Atsuko Tateno's "Face of Animal": A Unique Perspective on Animal Emotions

Exploring the Emotional Depth of Animals through Innovative Photography

Atsuko Tateno, an acclaimed photographer, offers a unique perspective on animal emotions through her award-winning project, "Face of Animal". This article delves into the inspiration, process, and significance of Tateno's innovative work.

Atsuko Tateno's inspiration for "Face of Animal" stemmed from her everyday interactions with her five-year-old dog. Observing subtle changes in her pet's facial expressions led her to question if other animals also possess the ability to express their emotions. This curiosity sparked the inception of her project, which aims to capture the emotional depth of various animals.

Unlike conventional animal photography, Tateno's approach is distinctive. She observed animals at a zoo, capturing their expressions through her lens. Although she initially found no apparent changes in their facial expressions, a closer examination of the photographs revealed a plethora of emotions. To highlight these emotions, Tateno retouched the photos, ensuring the animals' faces stood out against plain backgrounds.

The realization of "Face of Animal" involved meticulous planning and execution. Tateno used a Nikon D800 camera for capturing the images and later processed them using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. This combination of advanced technology and artistic skill resulted in a series of photographs that offer a unique perspective on animal emotions.

The project, which began in November 2017 and concluded in January 2019, was not without its challenges. Tateno found it difficult to photograph animals she was meeting for the first time due to the lack of information about them. However, her perseverance and innovative approach helped her overcome these obstacles.

"Face of Animal" has garnered significant recognition, winning the Silver A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise, creativity, and innovation. Tateno's project, admired for its strong technical characteristics and artistic skill, certainly fits this criterion.

In conclusion, Atsuko Tateno's "Face of Animal" is a testament to the power of innovative photography in revealing the emotional depth of animals. By challenging conventional perspectives and pushing the boundaries of her craft, Tateno has created a body of work that is both unique and thought-provoking.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Atsuko Tateno
Image Credits: All images © Atsuko Tateno
Project Team Members: Atsuko Tateno
Project Name: Face
Project Client: Atsuko Tateno

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